"Ufulu" means "Freedom" and Ufulu Child is a home for Freedom Seekers worldwide rooted
in artistry and wellness. Beyond being husband and wife, co-founders Hortencia "Tenci" Campbell & Maurice "Sol Xprsn" Clark are Hip-Hop/Soul performing artists and holistic healers with expertise spanning from Kemetic (or Ancient Egyptian) Yoga, Reiki, and Holistic Lifestyle Transformation, to Sacred Geometry Artwork, Songwriting, and beyond!
The trajectory of Ufulu Child changed forever after witnessing Tenci’s mother reverse her cancer and diabetes by applying key elements of a holistic healing system they now call the Freedom 5 (formerly Kemetic EIO).
Ufulu Child is on a mission to help freedom seekers live a healthy lifestyle & Become their Own Breakthroughs while unlocking next-level self-love for themselves and their world. They do this by providing the best unique information, products, and services possible in the realm of, self-discovery, holistic wellness...
Ufulu Child is Holistic Lifestyle Transformation! Welcome to the Freedom Journey, Love...